Minat Riset:
- Psikologi Sosial
- Keagamaan
- Perempuan
- Konflik
- Radikalisme dan Terorisme
Minat Riset:
Peneliti senior pada Division for Applied Social Psychology Research (DASPR). Pendidikan terakhir magister psikologi sosial Universitas Indonesia. Melakukan riset intervensi dengan pendekatan psikologi sosial kepada istri narapidana dan mantan narapidana terorisme di DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Barat, dan Sulawesi Tengah. Sejak 2015 lebih dari 45 istri narapidana dan mantan narapidana terorisme yang menjadi subjek penelitian intervensi di bawah lembaganya. Minat studi dalam bidang psikologi sosial, keagamaan, perempuan, konflik, radikalisme dan terorisme.
In preparation Manuscripts
Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Sulastri, T. (in preparation). Tackling Anti- vaccine support.
Putera, V. S., Rufaedah, A., Erikha, F., & Putra, I. E. (in preparation). Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Indonesia: An overview through the lens of social psychology perspective.
Submitted Manuscripts
Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Magrie, M. F. (2018). Justifying riots: How participants represent rallies that escalated into violence. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Yustisia, W., Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Whitehouse, A., & Kavanagh, C. (2018). The Role of religious fundamentalism and tightness-looseness in promoting collective narcissism and extreme group behavior. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality)
Putra, I. E., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). ‘No apologize needed for Indonesia 65 massacres’: Communism discourse in Indonesian Muslim context. Manuscrip submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology).
Putra, I. E., Arimbi, R. S., Erikha, F., Rufaedah, A., & Sarwono, S. W. (2017). Increasing integrative complexity on convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Manuscript Submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Social Psychology and Society).
Published Manuscripts
Magrie, M. F, Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A. (2018, Forthcoming). Empowerment program for spouses of convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Journal for Deradicalization.
Putra, I. E., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2018, Forthcoming). Who is to blame, the victims or the perpetrators? A study to understand a series of violence targeting accused heretic group. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. (APA journal under division 36)
Rufaedah, A., Putra, I. E. & Arimbi, R. (2018, Forthcoming). Coping with stigma and social exclusion of Indonesian terror- convicts’ wives. The Qualitative Reports.
Rufaedah, A., Sarwono, S. W., & Putra, I. E. (2017). Pemaknaan istri napi teror terhadap tindakan suami. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat. 04, 11-28.
Putra, I. E., & Rufaidah, A. (2010). Mencari akar munculnya terorisme Islam di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 4 (1), 86- 95.
Putra, I. E., Danamasi, D. O., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Priyanto, S. (2017). Tackling Islamic terrorism and radicalism in Indonesia by increasing the sense of humanity & friendship. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 94-114). IGI Global.
Putra, I. E., & Rufaedah, A. (2017). Recognition, apology, and restoration of Indonesians’ past maltreatments of people labeled as communists. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 243-255). IGI Global.
Rufaedah, A., & Putra, I. E. (2013). Ranah- ranah kebahagiaan orang Jawa dan relasinya terhadap kepuasan hidup. In J. L. Jaafar & Y. Mahamood, Z. Ishak (Eds). Menongkah arus globalisasi: Isu-isu psikologi di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
Peneliti senior pada Division for Applied Social Psychology Research (DASPR). Pendidikan terakhir magister psikologi sosial Universitas Indonesia. Melakukan riset intervensi dengan pendekatan psikologi sosial kepada istri narapidana dan mantan narapidana terorisme di DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Barat, dan Sulawesi Tengah. Sejak 2015 lebih dari 45 istri narapidana dan mantan narapidana terorisme yang menjadi subjek penelitian intervensi di bawah lembaganya. Minat studi dalam bidang psikologi sosial, keagamaan, perempuan, konflik, radikalisme dan terorisme.
In preparation Manuscripts
Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Sulastri, T. (in preparation). Tackling Anti- vaccine support.
Putera, V. S., Rufaedah, A., Erikha, F., & Putra, I. E. (in preparation). Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Indonesia: An overview through the lens of social psychology perspective.
Submitted Manuscripts
Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Magrie, M. F. (2018). Justifying riots: How participants represent rallies that escalated into violence. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Yustisia, W., Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Whitehouse, A., & Kavanagh, C. (2018). The Role of religious fundamentalism and tightness-looseness in promoting collective narcissism and extreme group behavior. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality)
Putra, I. E., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). ‘No apologize needed for Indonesia 65 massacres’: Communism discourse in Indonesian Muslim context. Manuscrip submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology).
Putra, I. E., Arimbi, R. S., Erikha, F., Rufaedah, A., & Sarwono, S. W. (2017). Increasing integrative complexity on convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Manuscript Submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Social Psychology and Society).
Published Manuscripts
Magrie, M. F, Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A. (2018, Forthcoming). Empowerment program for spouses of convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Journal for Deradicalization.
Putra, I. E., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2018, Forthcoming). Who is to blame, the victims or the perpetrators? A study to understand a series of violence targeting accused heretic group. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. (APA journal under division 36)
Rufaedah, A., Putra, I. E. & Arimbi, R. (2018, Forthcoming). Coping with stigma and social exclusion of Indonesian terror- convicts’ wives. The Qualitative Reports.
Rufaedah, A., Sarwono, S. W., & Putra, I. E. (2017). Pemaknaan istri napi teror terhadap tindakan suami. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat. 04, 11-28.
Putra, I. E., & Rufaidah, A. (2010). Mencari akar munculnya terorisme Islam di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 4 (1), 86- 95.
Putra, I. E., Danamasi, D. O., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Priyanto, S. (2017). Tackling Islamic terrorism and radicalism in Indonesia by increasing the sense of humanity & friendship. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 94-114). IGI Global.
Putra, I. E., & Rufaedah, A. (2017). Recognition, apology, and restoration of Indonesians’ past maltreatments of people labeled as communists. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 243-255). IGI Global.
Rufaedah, A., & Putra, I. E. (2013). Ranah- ranah kebahagiaan orang Jawa dan relasinya terhadap kepuasan hidup. In J. L. Jaafar & Y. Mahamood, Z. Ishak (Eds). Menongkah arus globalisasi: Isu-isu psikologi di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.