Dr. Phil. Idhamsyah Eka Putra


Research Interest:

  • Social Representations
  • Prejudice
  • Terrorism
  • Intergroup relations
  • Social Exclusions
  • Peace & Conflict
  • Applied Social Psychology


  • idhamsyah.eka@ui.ac.id
  • idhamsyah.ekaputra@gmail.com

Google Scholars: Idhamsyah

Dr. Phil. Idhamsyah Eka Putra adalah Dosen Program Pascasarjana Psikologi di Universitas Persada Indonesia dan Direktur Divisi Penelitian Psikologi Sosial Terapan (DASPR). Dia baru-baru ini ditunjuk sebagai rekan peneliti (kehormatan) untuk Pusat Penyelesaian Konflik yang Tidak Dapat Diambil (CRIC), Universitas Oxford. Ia memperoleh gelar Magister Psikologi dari Universitas Indonesia (2007) dan Doktor dengan perbedaan dalam Psikologi Sosial dari Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria (2015). Minat penelitiannya adalah psikologi sosial, khususnya prasangka, ekstremisme (Islam) kekerasan, fundamentalisme agama, hubungan antarkelompok dan antaragama, stigma sosial, pengucilan sosial, dan konflik antarkelompok. Ia adalah penerima Penghargaan Sarlito W. Sarwono (2017) yang diberikan kepada para sarjana Indonesia yang aktif terlibat dalam penelitian psikologis dan penyebarannya di Indonesia, oleh Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (Konsorsium Ilmu Psikologi Nusantara).

Idhamsyah Eka Putra’ research interests are concerned to understand intergroup conflicts and the development of intergroup tolerance. He has introduced a new term that is called as meta-prejudice. This is about how thinking or believing of others are (negatively) thinking. This mechanism of thinking has shown to play a key role in influencing perceptions and behavior. His current research work focuses on the relationship between Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism, meta-prejudice and prejudice expression, victim blaming, and extreme social exclusions.


  • Hudiana, J., & Putra, I. E. (2019). Can the activation of analytic cognitive style determines endorsement of secular belief. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1017/prp.2019.23
  • Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2019, In Press). Identity, representations, religion and apologizing for past wrongdoings: Muslim discourse about Indonesia’s 1965-66 massacres of communists. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2419 (Scopus Q1/Q2)
  • Yustisia, W., Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Whitehouse, A., & Kavanagh, C. (2019, In Press). The Role of religious fundamentalism and tightness-looseness in promoting collective narcissism and extreme group behavior . Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rel0000269 (APA Journal under division 36, Scopus Q1)
  • Mirra, N. M., & Putra, I. E. (2019). Stories from Jihadists: Relational network, muslim identity, and the call for Jihad . Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 25, 111-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pac0000371 (APA Journal under division 48, Scopus Q1/Q2)
  • Magrie, M. F, Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A. (2018, Forthcoming). Empowerment program for spouses of convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Journal for Deradicalization.
  • Putra, I. E., Arimbi, R. S., Erikha, F., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). Increasing integrative complexity on convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Journal of Social Psychology and Society, 9, 35-45. 
  • Putra, I. E., & Sukabdi, Z. (2018, In Press). Is there peace within Islamic fundamentalists? When Islamic fundamentalism moderates the effect of meta-belief of friendship on positive perceptions and trust toward outgroup. Kasetsart Journal of Social Scinces. 
  • Putra, I. E., Holtz, P., Pitaloka, A., Kronberger, N., & Arbiyah, N. (2018). Positive essentialization reduces prejudice: Reminding participants of a positive human nature alleviates the stigma of Indonesian communist party (PKI) descent. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 06, 291-314. 
  • Putra, I. E., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). Who is to blame, the victims or the perpetrators? A study to understand a series of violence targeting accused heretic group. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 10, 166-173. (APA journal under division 36)
  • Rufaedah, A., & Putra, I. E. (2018). Coping with stigma and social exclusion of Indonesian terror-convicts’ wives. The Qualitative Reports, 23, 1334-1346. 
  • Putra, I. E., & Wagner, W. (2017). Prejudice in interreligious context: The role of metaprejudice and majority–minority status. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 226-239. 
  • Putra, I. E. (2016). Representations and discourse about religion and Chinese descendants in 2012 Jakarta’s election. The Qualitative Reports, 21, 1799-1816.
  • Putra, I. E. (2016). Taking seriously ingroup self-evaluation, meta-prejudice, and prejudice in analyzing interreligious relations. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 19, 1-9. 
  • Putra, I. E., Mashuri, A., & Zaduqisti, E. (2015). Demonising the victim: Seeking the answer for how a group as the violent victim is blamed. Psychology and Developing Societies, 27, 31-57. 
  • Putra, I. E. (2014). The role of ingroup and outgroup meta-prejudice in predicting prejudice and identity undermining. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20, 574-579. (APA Journal under division 48)
  • Putra., I. E., & Sukabdi, Z., A. (2014). Can Islamic fundamentalism relate to non-violent support? The role of certain conditions in moderating the effect of Islamic fundamentalism on supporting acts of terrorism. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20, 583-589. (APA Journal under division 48)
  • Putra, I.E., & Sukabdi, Z. A. (2013). Basic concepts and reasons behind the emergence of religious terror activities in Indonesia: An inside view. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 16 (02), 83-91.


  • Rufaedah, A., Sarwono, S. W., & Putra, I. E. (2017). Pemaknaan istri napi teror terhadap tindakan suami. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat. 04, 11-28.
  • Putra, I. E., & Juneman (2012). Peran pandangan dunia orang Indonesia bagian barat dalam meramalkan prasangka terhadap orang Papua. Manasa, 1 (1), 118-132. 
  • Putra, I. E., Satriyanto, T., & Meinarno, E. A. (2011). Ingatan sejarah dan figur pemimpin pada pribumi ‘Jawa’ dan non-pribumi ‘Tionghoa’. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 5 (1), pp. 1-14.
  • Markum, M. E., Putra, I. E., & Primaldhi, A. (2010). Perilaku memutilasi di Indonesia. Jurnal Insan Media Psikologi, 12, 31-40.
  • Putra, I. E., & Rufaidah, A. (2010). Mencari akar munculnya terorisme Islam di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 4 (1), 86-95. 
  • Putra, I. E., & Wongkaren, Z. A. (2010). Konstruksi skala fundamentalisme Islam di Indonesia. Psikobuana, 1 (3), 151-161.
  • Putra, I. E. (2009). Memahami kemunculan intoleransi di dalam umat beragama: Studi orientasi keberagamaan, fundamentalisme agama, orientasi dominansi sosial, dan orientasi politik. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 15 (2), 115-128.
  • Putra, I. E., Wardhani, C., & Muwardani, R. (2009). Representasi sosial tentang pemimpin antara dua kelompok usia dan situasi sosial yang berbeda di Jakarta dan Palembang. Jurnal Psikologi UNDIP, 5 (2), 92-118.
  • Putra, I. E., & Marina, L. (2008). Konstruksi Sosial dan Pendekatannya dalam Psikologi. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 14 (3), 263-272.
  • Satriyanto, T., & Putra, I. E. (2008). Perilaku belajar sosial manusia gerobak. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 14 (2). 113-124.
  • Putra, I. E. (2007). Manusia dalam Bentangan Pemikiran Psikologi Evolusi Sosial. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 13 (2), 183-190.

Books & Chapters

  • Malik, I., Putera, V. S., & Putra, I. E. (2018). Traditional leaders in the reconciliation of Muslim-Christian conflicts in Moluccas. In A. Campbell (Ed.), Global leadership initiatives for conflict resolution and peacebuilding (pp. 235-248). IGI Global.
  • Putra, I. E. (2017). A social psychological perspective on terrorism and prejudice: The case of Indonesia: Saarbrücken: SVH-Verlag.
  • Putra, I. E., Danamasi, D. O., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Priyanto, S. (2017). Tackling Islamic terrorism and radicalism in Indonesia by increasing the sense of humanity & friendship. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 94-114). IGI Global.
  • Putra, I. E., & Rufaedah, A. (2017). Recognition, apology, and restoration of Indonesians’ past maltreatments of people labeled as communists. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 243-255). IGI Global.
  • Erikha, F., Putra, I. E., & Sarwono, S. W. (2016). ISIS Discourse in Radical Islamic Online News Media in Indonesia: Supporter or Opponent. In M. Khader, L. S. Neo, G. Ong, & E. T. Mingyi (eds). Combating violent extremism and radicalization in the digital era (pp. 71-91). IGI global.
  • Putra, I. E., Halida, R., & Satriyanto, T. (2013). Prasangka etnis dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Kajian awal psikologi sosial tentang etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia. In J. L. Jaafar & Y. Mahamood, Z. Ishak (Eds). Menongkah arus globalisasi: Isu-isu psikologi di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
  • Rufaedah, A., & Putra, I. E. (2013). Ranah-ranah kebahagiaan orang Jawa dan relasinya terhadap kepuasan hidup. In J. L. Jaafar & Y. Mahamood, Z. Ishak (Eds). Menongkah arus globalisasi: Isu-isu psikologi di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
  • Putra, I. E., & Primaldhi, A. (2011). Causes, conceptions, and reasons of action of religious terrorist group members in Indonesia. In P. Singh, P. Bain, C.-H. Leong, G. Misra, & Y. Ohtsubo (Eds.), Individual, group, and cultural processes in changing societies (pp. 23-42). New Delhi: Macmillan.


  • Putra, I. E. (2017). Terorisme: Masalah sosial dan masalah hidup. In I. W. Pratiwi, S. Rachmawati, & D. N. Puspitasari (Eds), Psychology for daily life. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.
  • Putra, I. E., & Pitaloka, A. (2012). Psikologi prasangka: Sebab, dampak, dan solusi. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia. 
  • Putra, I. E. (2009). Pengambilan Keputusan. In Sarlito W. Sarwono & Eko A. Meinarno (eds). Psikologi Sosial. Jakarta: Salemba 4.
  • Muluk, H., Rahardjo, D. S., Wardhani, C., Halida, R., Syam, H., & Putra, I. E. (2009). Budaya keselamatan dan industri beresiko tinggi. Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu. 

Non Academic Publication

  • Putra, I. E. (2011). Api di Nusantara [Fire in Nusantara]. Jakarta: Insos Books.



  • Erikha, F., Putra, I. E. Putera, V. S., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Indonesia: An overview through the lens of social psychology perspective. Manuscript submitted for book chapter.
  • Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Sulastri, T. Countering anti-vaccines supports: An investigation of why Muslims are so vulnerable and how critical argument can help to tackle the problems. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology) 
  • Hudiana, J., & Putra, I. E. (2018). Undivine cognition: The activation of analytic cognitive style determines endorsement of secular belief. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology).
  • Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Magrie, M. F. (2018). Justifying riots: How participants represent rallies that escalated into violence. (under review, Journal of Social and Political Psychology).
  • Yustisia, W., Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Whitehouse, A., & Kavanagh, C. (2018). The Role of religious fundamentalism and tightness-looseness in promoting collective narcissism and extreme group behavior. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality)
  • Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). ‘No apologize needed for Indonesia 65 massacres’: Communism discourse in Indonesian Muslim context. Manuscrip submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology).
  • El Hafiz, S., Trihandayani, D., Rozil, F., & Putra, I. E. (2017). Virtue as Emotional Buffer in Moral Judgment Facing Moral Dilemma. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Asian Journal of Social Psychology).

Dr. Phil. Idhamsyah Eka Putra


Dr. Phil. Idhamsyah Eka Putra adalah Dosen Program Pascasarjana Psikologi di Universitas Persada Indonesia dan Direktur Divisi Penelitian Psikologi Sosial Terapan (DASPR). Dia baru-baru ini ditunjuk sebagai rekan peneliti (kehormatan) untuk Pusat Penyelesaian Konflik yang Tidak Dapat Diambil (CRIC), Universitas Oxford. Ia memperoleh gelar Magister Psikologi dari Universitas Indonesia (2007) dan Doktor dengan perbedaan dalam Psikologi Sosial dari Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria (2015). Minat penelitiannya adalah psikologi sosial, khususnya prasangka, ekstremisme (Islam) kekerasan, fundamentalisme agama, hubungan antarkelompok dan antaragama, stigma sosial, pengucilan sosial, dan konflik antarkelompok. Ia adalah penerima Penghargaan Sarlito W. Sarwono (2017) yang diberikan kepada para sarjana Indonesia yang aktif terlibat dalam penelitian psikologis dan penyebarannya di Indonesia, oleh Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (Konsorsium Ilmu Psikologi Nusantara).

Idhamsyah Eka Putra’ research interests are concerned to understand intergroup conflicts and the development of intergroup tolerance. He has introduced a new term that is called as meta-prejudice. This is about how thinking or believing of others are (negatively) thinking. This mechanism of thinking has shown to play a key role in influencing perceptions and behavior. His current research work focuses on the relationship between Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism, meta-prejudice and prejudice expression, victim blaming, and extreme social exclusions.


  • Hudiana, J., & Putra, I. E. (2019). Can the activation of analytic cognitive style determines endorsement of secular belief. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1017/prp.2019.23
  • Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2019, In Press). Identity, representations, religion and apologizing for past wrongdoings: Muslim discourse about Indonesia’s 1965-66 massacres of communists. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2419 (Scopus Q1/Q2)
  • Yustisia, W., Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Whitehouse, A., & Kavanagh, C. (2019, In Press). The Role of religious fundamentalism and tightness-looseness in promoting collective narcissism and extreme group behavior . Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rel0000269 (APA Journal under division 36, Scopus Q1)
  • Mirra, N. M., & Putra, I. E. (2019). Stories from Jihadists: Relational network, muslim identity, and the call for Jihad . Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 25, 111-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pac0000371 (APA Journal under division 48, Scopus Q1/Q2)
  • Magrie, M. F, Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A. (2018, Forthcoming). Empowerment program for spouses of convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Journal for Deradicalization.
  • Putra, I. E., Arimbi, R. S., Erikha, F., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). Increasing integrative complexity on convicted terrorists in Indonesia. Journal of Social Psychology and Society, 9, 35-45. 
  • Putra, I. E., & Sukabdi, Z. (2018, In Press). Is there peace within Islamic fundamentalists? When Islamic fundamentalism moderates the effect of meta-belief of friendship on positive perceptions and trust toward outgroup. Kasetsart Journal of Social Scinces. 
  • Putra, I. E., Holtz, P., Pitaloka, A., Kronberger, N., & Arbiyah, N. (2018). Positive essentialization reduces prejudice: Reminding participants of a positive human nature alleviates the stigma of Indonesian communist party (PKI) descent. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 06, 291-314. 
  • Putra, I. E., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). Who is to blame, the victims or the perpetrators? A study to understand a series of violence targeting accused heretic group. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 10, 166-173. (APA journal under division 36)
  • Rufaedah, A., & Putra, I. E. (2018). Coping with stigma and social exclusion of Indonesian terror-convicts’ wives. The Qualitative Reports, 23, 1334-1346. 
  • Putra, I. E., & Wagner, W. (2017). Prejudice in interreligious context: The role of metaprejudice and majority–minority status. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 226-239. 
  • Putra, I. E. (2016). Representations and discourse about religion and Chinese descendants in 2012 Jakarta’s election. The Qualitative Reports, 21, 1799-1816.
  • Putra, I. E. (2016). Taking seriously ingroup self-evaluation, meta-prejudice, and prejudice in analyzing interreligious relations. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 19, 1-9. 
  • Putra, I. E., Mashuri, A., & Zaduqisti, E. (2015). Demonising the victim: Seeking the answer for how a group as the violent victim is blamed. Psychology and Developing Societies, 27, 31-57. 
  • Putra, I. E. (2014). The role of ingroup and outgroup meta-prejudice in predicting prejudice and identity undermining. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20, 574-579. (APA Journal under division 48)
  • Putra., I. E., & Sukabdi, Z., A. (2014). Can Islamic fundamentalism relate to non-violent support? The role of certain conditions in moderating the effect of Islamic fundamentalism on supporting acts of terrorism. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20, 583-589. (APA Journal under division 48)
  • Putra, I.E., & Sukabdi, Z. A. (2013). Basic concepts and reasons behind the emergence of religious terror activities in Indonesia: An inside view. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 16 (02), 83-91.


  • Rufaedah, A., Sarwono, S. W., & Putra, I. E. (2017). Pemaknaan istri napi teror terhadap tindakan suami. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat. 04, 11-28.
  • Putra, I. E., & Juneman (2012). Peran pandangan dunia orang Indonesia bagian barat dalam meramalkan prasangka terhadap orang Papua. Manasa, 1 (1), 118-132. 
  • Putra, I. E., Satriyanto, T., & Meinarno, E. A. (2011). Ingatan sejarah dan figur pemimpin pada pribumi ‘Jawa’ dan non-pribumi ‘Tionghoa’. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 5 (1), pp. 1-14.
  • Markum, M. E., Putra, I. E., & Primaldhi, A. (2010). Perilaku memutilasi di Indonesia. Jurnal Insan Media Psikologi, 12, 31-40.
  • Putra, I. E., & Rufaidah, A. (2010). Mencari akar munculnya terorisme Islam di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 4 (1), 86-95. 
  • Putra, I. E., & Wongkaren, Z. A. (2010). Konstruksi skala fundamentalisme Islam di Indonesia. Psikobuana, 1 (3), 151-161.
  • Putra, I. E. (2009). Memahami kemunculan intoleransi di dalam umat beragama: Studi orientasi keberagamaan, fundamentalisme agama, orientasi dominansi sosial, dan orientasi politik. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 15 (2), 115-128.
  • Putra, I. E., Wardhani, C., & Muwardani, R. (2009). Representasi sosial tentang pemimpin antara dua kelompok usia dan situasi sosial yang berbeda di Jakarta dan Palembang. Jurnal Psikologi UNDIP, 5 (2), 92-118.
  • Putra, I. E., & Marina, L. (2008). Konstruksi Sosial dan Pendekatannya dalam Psikologi. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 14 (3), 263-272.
  • Satriyanto, T., & Putra, I. E. (2008). Perilaku belajar sosial manusia gerobak. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 14 (2). 113-124.
  • Putra, I. E. (2007). Manusia dalam Bentangan Pemikiran Psikologi Evolusi Sosial. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 13 (2), 183-190.

Books & Chapters

  • Malik, I., Putera, V. S., & Putra, I. E. (2018). Traditional leaders in the reconciliation of Muslim-Christian conflicts in Moluccas. In A. Campbell (Ed.), Global leadership initiatives for conflict resolution and peacebuilding (pp. 235-248). IGI Global.
  • Putra, I. E. (2017). A social psychological perspective on terrorism and prejudice: The case of Indonesia: Saarbrücken: SVH-Verlag.
  • Putra, I. E., Danamasi, D. O., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Priyanto, S. (2017). Tackling Islamic terrorism and radicalism in Indonesia by increasing the sense of humanity & friendship. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 94-114). IGI Global.
  • Putra, I. E., & Rufaedah, A. (2017). Recognition, apology, and restoration of Indonesians’ past maltreatments of people labeled as communists. In B. Cook (Ed.), Examining global peacemaking in the digital age (pp. 243-255). IGI Global.
  • Erikha, F., Putra, I. E., & Sarwono, S. W. (2016). ISIS Discourse in Radical Islamic Online News Media in Indonesia: Supporter or Opponent. In M. Khader, L. S. Neo, G. Ong, & E. T. Mingyi (eds). Combating violent extremism and radicalization in the digital era (pp. 71-91). IGI global.
  • Putra, I. E., Halida, R., & Satriyanto, T. (2013). Prasangka etnis dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Kajian awal psikologi sosial tentang etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia. In J. L. Jaafar & Y. Mahamood, Z. Ishak (Eds). Menongkah arus globalisasi: Isu-isu psikologi di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
  • Rufaedah, A., & Putra, I. E. (2013). Ranah-ranah kebahagiaan orang Jawa dan relasinya terhadap kepuasan hidup. In J. L. Jaafar & Y. Mahamood, Z. Ishak (Eds). Menongkah arus globalisasi: Isu-isu psikologi di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
  • Putra, I. E., & Primaldhi, A. (2011). Causes, conceptions, and reasons of action of religious terrorist group members in Indonesia. In P. Singh, P. Bain, C.-H. Leong, G. Misra, & Y. Ohtsubo (Eds.), Individual, group, and cultural processes in changing societies (pp. 23-42). New Delhi: Macmillan.


  • Putra, I. E. (2017). Terorisme: Masalah sosial dan masalah hidup. In I. W. Pratiwi, S. Rachmawati, & D. N. Puspitasari (Eds), Psychology for daily life. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.
  • Putra, I. E., & Pitaloka, A. (2012). Psikologi prasangka: Sebab, dampak, dan solusi. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia. 
  • Putra, I. E. (2009). Pengambilan Keputusan. In Sarlito W. Sarwono & Eko A. Meinarno (eds). Psikologi Sosial. Jakarta: Salemba 4.
  • Muluk, H., Rahardjo, D. S., Wardhani, C., Halida, R., Syam, H., & Putra, I. E. (2009). Budaya keselamatan dan industri beresiko tinggi. Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu. 

Non Academic Publication

  • Putra, I. E. (2011). Api di Nusantara [Fire in Nusantara]. Jakarta: Insos Books.



  • Erikha, F., Putra, I. E. Putera, V. S., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Indonesia: An overview through the lens of social psychology perspective. Manuscript submitted for book chapter.
  • Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Sulastri, T. Countering anti-vaccines supports: An investigation of why Muslims are so vulnerable and how critical argument can help to tackle the problems. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology) 
  • Hudiana, J., & Putra, I. E. (2018). Undivine cognition: The activation of analytic cognitive style determines endorsement of secular belief. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology).
  • Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Rufaedah, A., Arimbi, R. S., & Magrie, M. F. (2018). Justifying riots: How participants represent rallies that escalated into violence. (under review, Journal of Social and Political Psychology).
  • Yustisia, W., Putra, I. E., Rufaedah, A., Whitehouse, A., & Kavanagh, C. (2018). The Role of religious fundamentalism and tightness-looseness in promoting collective narcissism and extreme group behavior. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality)
  • Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Holtz, P., & Rufaedah, A. (2018). ‘No apologize needed for Indonesia 65 massacres’: Communism discourse in Indonesian Muslim context. Manuscrip submitted for publication (under review, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology).
  • El Hafiz, S., Trihandayani, D., Rozil, F., & Putra, I. E. (2017). Virtue as Emotional Buffer in Moral Judgment Facing Moral Dilemma. Manuscript submitted for publication (under review, Asian Journal of Social Psychology).